Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Fake Blood Recipe

As I have more time to blog than Alana at the moment I have decided to put up the recipe for fake blood that we used recently. It compared quite favorably to the bought fake blood but cost far less for the volume.


75ml Chocolate Sauce or topping (must be in a liquid form at room temperature)
75ml Red Cordial
3 table spoons of Red Food Dye
1 table spoon of Yellow Food Dye
2 drops of Blue Food Dye
1 drop of dish washing detergent (to prevent clotting!)

Mix chocolate sauce and red cordial, then add the food dye and 1 drop of detergent. This gave us a blood with a good consistency (not too runny, not too sticky) with the same coloration to real blood. Keeping the ratios the same a much larger volume could be made.

Thicker blood could be made by increasing the ratio of chocolate sauce to red cordial, but I suspect that the amount of red, yellow and blue food dye would have to be also altered.

We applied our blood externally using cotton buds dipped in the solution. A spray effect was achieved, but this was done in the driveway and flicking the blood. Obviously with chocolate sauce, red cordial and food dye this stuff will stain, so either wear black clothing while you make it or clothes you don't mind getting splattered. However, in terms of blood splattered effects it actually looks best on white cloth.

The advantage of this recipe is that it is effectively non-toxic and therefore edible! But because of the ingredients I would advise against consuming it in very large quantities.

Potentially it could be used to create an effect of someone coughing or vomiting blood out their mouth. In this case the fake blood should be made up in a bottle for ease of getting it into an actor's mouth.

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