Monday, May 10, 2010

Moustache May!

Had a quick go at creating a moustache effect tonight. Not a too bad result for first attempt at laying hair if I do say so myself. Trimmed up two versions: one fat moustache and one thin. Might have to create a 'bad teenage moustache' sometime in the near future, so thin one was hopefully good practice. Anyway here are some finished shots:

The procedure went roughly as follows: I zapped crepe wool in a bowl of water in the microwave for a minute. Dried by rolling in towel, then paper towel, then 30 mins hanging then finally hair dryer to get last of damp out. Applied spirit gum to moustache area (although I might have used Telsis 5 if I had that on hand). Then layered the hair on to top lip starting at edges and working inward. Trimmed end result with surgical scissors and voila!

The above photo gives some idea about how curly crepe hair is before nuking in water in microwave oven.

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