Friday, September 24, 2010

Fake vomit bile recipe

Recently we had to create some edible fake vomit for a film called Safe. However, it wasn't just any old run of the mill vomit. Oh no, this one had to look like vomit of someone who had taken a lot of pills on an empty stomach! So more bile and less solid.

While there were hundreds of different internet spew recipes none of them came close to what was actually needed on set for this story. The spirit of invention is necessity when working on film, so here's what we came up with:


1 packet of Milk Bottles (for those of you in the US: soft white gelatin based candy)
2 litres of apple juice
1 packet of gelatin
1 box of rice flour
500ml Milk
1 litre of water
Disposable plastic cups

Not all of these ingredients were used up making this recipe. The big advantage of this recipe is that it looks great and tastes good with it being a bit like an oddly textured apple dessert in an actor's mouth. First I made up 500ml of a watered down 50:50 apple jelly using the gelatin. Zap the mixture in the microwave then put it in the fridge to set. While this is setting chop up the Milk Bottles (soft white candy) into small pill sized, pill shaped pieces. This does take some time. Then use 2 teaspoons of apple jelly per disposable cup, mash it a bit with a fork. Add a dash of apple juice into each cup. It is a good idea to production line a number of cups for multiple takes on set. Then add a dash of water. Then add some of the chopped up Milk Bottle candy pieces. Then 1 teaspoon of milk and 1 teaspoon of rice flour per cup. Stir well before giving to actor and voila! They are ready to look like they are hurling up pills and bile! One thing to keep in mind is how much a person can fit in their mouth so you'll only really need 3/4 of a cup of fake vomit. Enjoy!

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