Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Demon - Fawn ears sculpted

Demonic fawn 'ear extensions' sculpted onto a positive cast of Alana's ears:

The ears were cast in Ultracal 30 using a master silicone mould we made for Alana's ears. I then cleaned up the ears, filled in some minor holes with a little Ultracal and filed off some rough edges. Before I sculpted the clay 'ear extensions' I brushed on a homemade release agent of 1 part detergent to 2 parts 70% alcohol. This is in the hope of floating off the Klean clay after I've made a mould of the whole piece. Hopefully make a silicone mould for them tomorrow then make two ear prosthetic appliances. I've decided to finish ears before I attach the fawn horns that I worked on earlier as I reckon the overall effect will look better.

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