Saturday, October 24, 2009

Fawn ears in silicone

After Alana and I crewed on a short film today I came back and painted the fawn ears that I had cast in silicone (Ecoflex 00-50). I hand painted the ears using Fuse FX's line of silicone paints. I'm pleased with how they came up after adding some veins and freckles.

Fawn 'ear extensions' painted by hand (click image to enlarge):

Previously I had sculpted the ears onto an Ultracal 30 positive using Klean clay. Rows of Ultracal ears:

I then fashioned a simple pour mould and made two negative moulds of the sculpted fawn ears. The basic idea was to make a mould that I could use the original positive of Alana's ear to get a near perfect fit with her real ear and the prosthetic appliance. Sculpted fawn 'ear extensions' about to be cast:

I ended up with two pinkysil moulds into which I poured the Ecoflex 00-50 tinted with Fuse FX S-304 (Med. Olive Flesh) after applying a homemade release agent. Ecoflex 00-50 sets relatively quickly in about 4 hours. I was then able to pull two sets of fawn ears. Fawn ears fresh out of the mould:
The closer ones I have washed, cleaned up lines and patched a bit with some tinted ecoflex. The edges aren't perfect at the back but do provide a good fit to Alana's ears. Hopefully I'll be able to blend the edges in the finished effect.

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