Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Throat Prop: part 2 uvula and tongue armature

One of the specifications of the throat prop I'm making is to have an odometer in the uvula. Lisa (the director) came up with a brilliant and cheap solution to the numbers in the uvula problem and came over today and dropped off a counter/clicker. Like the ones used at nightclubs where the young people hang out... Made my life building this thing so much easier! The help was very much appreciated! Here are the parts unassembled:

I built some housing out of sheet styrene to fit the counter/clicker in nicely.

I also started to form the tongue out of more mesh and cut a hole in the top of the prop, so the uvula inside and clicker will be accessible.

This morning I made a visit to Barnes and got some Gypsona bandages ($66) and at the end of the day I made a return trip to the hardware store and bought some primer, solvent and sandpaper ($35.40). This bought my total spend for this build to $177.15. I think I'll be able to get away without buying more sheet styrene as I found just enough to use to build housing for clicker/counter, but I still need to buy lubricant for slippery look and some paints to airbrush the finishing coat onto the prop, especially when quite a close up shot is needed.

[Today I spent 1hr getting stuff from Barnes, 1hr getting stuff from hardware store and 4hrs playing about with wire, this brings my total hours thus far spent on this prop to 18. I'm so curious as how long this would take in terms of hours needed to make similar things on future projects and as an idea about what would be the billable hours for something like this.]

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