Friday, August 13, 2010

Throat Prop: part 3 plaster bandages over wire armature

Well its the end of a long day, in the early hours of the morning now. I spent the first half of the day pinning the throat wire armature with lots of little U shapes made out of wire and trimming the ends off and tucking in as many of the sticky out bits of wire. Cut myself lots on sharp little wires. Anyway, too tired to go into much detail, but then I've laid up the plaster bandages. After the first two lots of bandages I discovered that I'd grossly underestimated the surface area of the prop. Truth be told it is a pretty big prop for this kind of application.

So after a quick call to Lisa I continued to lay up 2 packs of remaining bandages plus 4 lots of Gypsona from my supply, 2 lots of little Barnes ones, and 1 lot of the big Barnes ones. All up a bit over double the amount I originally quoted for. First time I've built a throat prop of this size using these materials, so I was probably bound to make an error with this.

Anyway the good thing is that its actually looking a lot more like a throat now!

The interior of the structure and all of the area necessary for the shot is now pretty much done, although I'd like to resurface bits of this to get a better finish with one final lot of Gypsona bandages, which are presently sitting by the thing still in their wrapping. The problem is that the exterior of the structure which gives it strength, makes it transportable and gives a consistent amount of light able to penertrate layers is unfinished. It needs a layer. I'm thinking of using some cheaper Barnes bandages to finish this part of the prop.

[Build time 8 hours.]

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