Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Throat Prop: part 4 resurfacing and painting

Yesterday I spent the day resurfacing, sanding and priming the throat prop. Basically it was a process of painting layers of plaster onto the interior surface and then gently sanding this back to give as smooth a finish as possible. Then a number of coats of white primer so that the acyrlics will have a good surface to stick to. The prop is now smooth on the interior surface. Here is what it looked like at the end this process:

This morning I spent getting a good coverage in a nice fleshy pink colour:

Fully basecoated in fleshy pink:

I'll have to spend some more time painting this and putting more colours and shades into the prop to get the effect of capillaries, veins and the different colours which make up human flesh tones. Including a few shades of pink, red, purple and even a little blue. As it looks a bit too uniform at the moment. I've decided not to airbrush as orginally planned due to cost and time needed. Then I'll varnish and lubricate on set to get the wet fleshy effect needed for the shot. I'm now pretty confident that the shot should work as needed!

[Total time spent today: 4hrs]

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